#42 Ethan retires from Cadets
Starting at the Thruxton Cadet Club with Des 4 years ago, Ethan has come full circle and spent his last cadet season racing with Des again in the Veneno team.
Its been a great year which has seen lots of podiums, trophies and the F6 Open Championship to go along with the F6 plate he won in the first round and the trophies he's gained along they way. He even made it into the Basingstoke Gazette a couple of times this year.
Ethan's made great friends with his team mates and its sad to say goodbye, but he'll be back to support his team mates as they continue. Ethan had the final say though;
"I've loved it this year, the team have really helped me. We've travelled and raced at lots of different tracks for the 1st time and still been on the podium at the end of the race. Being airborne at the last corner at Bayford Meadows is brilliant. Going out as F6 Champ was a great end to cadets and I'd like to thank Des, Nate and the team for all their support in 2014"