Jamie, Will & Luke @ Clay
Most certainly the weekend for past drivers to be running for the team we had Luke Preston back with us for the weekend on a chassis prover role, now with the project One works team Russ and Luke’s experience is invaluable to the team and the atmospherics always benefit from Luke’s chatter!
Jamie 2nd time off his novice was looking to get himself into the top 12 and was relaxed and looking forward to a weekend of somewhat mixed weather.
Will Forber on his 2nd race outing was just simply hoping to develop his pace and get into the “mix” with the pack.
Russ looked after Jamie and Luke on test day and had both lads running good pace, Luke was running Brodie Trayhorn’s 2014 chassis and spent the morning tightening bolts and moving “stuff” around to suit his style, this kart is moving on to our youngest cadet Jack Clements and Luke had accepted the challenge of running it at the good end of the grid to make sure it was ready to go with Jack at CKC. Jamie spent his day starting at the front of the grid and familiarising with the front end pace and behaviours.
Race day was a great affair but mixed weather was to play an enormous part for Luke, with great results in the heats he placed 4th in the final and looked ready to challenge for the win, Jamie had lucked out through contact in H2 but had grabbed himself P15 and Will who was having a steady day but continuing to improve found himself as the 3rd novice off the line.
With Luke sat on the dummy for the final when the rain began the boys were scuppered in terms of changes to setups, Luke’s demise in the final was purely down to an inability to make the needed changes on a chassis that had been set fully dry, it happens that way some times and when you leave the holding bay you are committed to race unless the COC, not helped by the different calls on the PA regarding how many mins until dummy closed the lads race was a sorry affair with overheating tyres on inters that only just made the 2mm limit……was still a super effort.
Will was lacking in a decent set of inters so went on full wets, managing to go racing on these he grabbed 2nd highest novice and whilst not his quickest day had worked hard and experienced a wet track for his first time - well done Will
Jamie got lucky with a rapid tyre change and arrived at the grid with a strong setup, finishing 12th he had a great race with strong times and we think had he not been so unlucky earlier in the day we could have been fighting for 8th or 9th.
This was a good weekend for the boys overall, all improving on times when able in the weather this weekend they benefited from having Luke around but also having a great vantage point to watch the racing.
Well done lads and thank you Luke and great performance.