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Jack passes ARKS @ Clay


Jack Clements passed his ARKS test at Clay Pigeon today under the guidance of Des.

Jack is Des' youngest driver to pass, aged just 7 years and 10mths and to top it off, his 1st driver in a Honda cadet was yesterday lunchtime!!

Des has been using the new team digital comms system to help Jack who was consistently in the 43's today.

At 7 years and 10 months Jack showed no apprehension when walking around the Clay Pigeon raceway, the circuit famously used by a fair few of today’s F1 superstars was shrouded by cloud and experiencing intermittent drizzle, in fact Jacks first ever experience of the Dorset circuit was on dry tyres in light rain, with Dad’s nervous nod we let him go and simply “have a look round” it was the shakedown following Luke’s run out at the weekend so why not……going to be out there on dry tyres in the rain one day anyway so might as well get on with it1! After a 5 min “shakedown” session and the light rain blowing over we sent him out with a few pointers reminding him that he had cold tyres so “try not to bury it at Billies!”

Session 2 saw Jack arrive most firmly in the 47’s, being honest he didn’t look that quick from the centre but the clock never lies so we went off to wander round and watch a quick IAME lad from the LGM series to see where we could grab those extra secs.

Of course the “nemesis” for many is the horseshoe turn as so much time can be gained from a great exit and Jack was trying every entry known, forward, backward, sideways, if it was physically possible in one session Jack tried every entry point despite the groaning in his ear from the radio, but he still went faster just that sometimes his exit from the horseshoe wasn’t always on the track!

Two hours into training and we had settled in nicely to the 45’s and the line was now being generally used, the kerbs at the “esses” were posing something of a problem in terms of getting used to using them and “Top Bend” was still waiting for Jack to arrive flat out and the kart screaming for grip but we continued to get faster every session.

With the cloud enveloping the track on the hill we pushed on toward our 90th lap, a beaming new driver absorbing as much information as possible but still avoiding the tips on the key areas for now…………………………. then we were joined by the corporate drivers!

I feel it’s always good to have a chance to run with the arrive and drive brigade, especially when you are just starting out and there is something of a “feel good” factor in racing slower machines, also the element of respect that is commanded by a 7 year old who “annihilates” 6 late teen pimped A3 owners and smiles at them as he does it!

Jacks overall performance within three hours of track time was already allowing the track staff to relax and his natural fluid style was now beginning to show in his lap times, consistent laps with 2 tenths variation is an achievement not often seen at this level so to then keep it within three hundredths on his test the next day is a simple statement of the formidable driver lurking within such a young man.

Test day at Clay is a great relaxed affair, young drivers are given plenty of opportunity to practice and display ability and Jack having already fished the previous day in the 44’s had a simple target to park it firmly in the low 43’s and keep it there looking for a late 42 if he felt like really starting to push, a little bit of drizzle gave us a chance to show him how to run on “inters” and he maintained 44’s with ease, at the same time practicing safe overtaking (to be honest up to this point some of his more eager moves were causing some serious lip biting!) on the arrive and drive lads.

With Lee taking the helm for the test the track assessment was concluded as a “strong” pass and Jack was taken away for the verbal assessment which I understand he passed equally as well.

The team has been lucky in that it has produced many great young drivers and Jack is no exception, Harry and James will be guiding Jack and Jamie Burt at CKC as they learn their trade and prep for a full attack on the Camberley summer series in 2016, and all the lads will create a great atmosphere at the Surrey circuit.

The team prepares new drivers for the ARKS test at Camberley and Clay Pigeon Raceway, the tests are carried out by Qualified experienced examiners at those locations and information is available on these from the related websites.

Seen here pictured with ARKS instructor Lee Rennison

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